Engaging in the science-policy dialogue


Melanie Paschke/Manuela Dahinden
Engaging in the science-policy dialogue
4 Risk and uncertainty communicationEnglisch
80 Seiten, Broschur, mit 18 Abbildungen und Diagrammen
978-3-88793-223-7, 20 €
The Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center is a competence center linking and supporting the plant science research community of the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich and the University of Basel. The center promotes plant science research and education and provides platforms for interactions with peers, policymakers, industry, stakeholders and the general public.
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Melanie Paschke/Manuela Dahinden
Engaging in the science-policy dialogue
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Melanie Paschke/Manuela Dahinden
Engaging in the science-policy dialogue
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Melanie Paschke/Manuela Dahinden
Engaging in the science-policy dialogue
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Melanie Paschke/Manuela Dahinden
Engaging in the science-policy dialogue
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Melanie Paschke/Manuela Dahinden
Engaging in the science-policy dialogue
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